Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starting Over

What makes a person quit their job, pack their things, and leave the life they've built behind?

Her name is Allie. She is rather small, but she is very persuasive.

I went to Israel because I was feeling restless and stuck and I thought traveling for ten days in far parts of the world would help make the feelings go away. While the trip was great, it definitely backfired because I came home feeling more restless and upset than I did before I left.
Allie and I met in Israel, and discussed how we both wanted to move to D.C. I didn't take her seriously though, because most people I meet are total flakes and don't mean most of what they say. Somehow though, things went from our hypothetical jobs and apartment and life in D.C. and the fun artwork we would hang on our theoretical walls to driving out to interview with a temp agency to leaving our respective houses and moving in with my grandmother.

We have a wonderful little domestic situation going on. She gets up early for work at her internship and I get up to turn off the alarm and lock the door behind her before going to make breakfast and starting my day like an unemployed little housewife. My very first day I immediately went to the library for the internet (no internet at Grandma's...) and began a lengthy conversation with the library Manager. She wants me to help out around the library! There is a hiring freeze, so she cannot hire me :( but in the meantime she wants my help as a volunteer on their newest project, making the library more appealing to young people and finding grant money. Also facilitating book discussions for children and teens! I am quite excited over it.

Each day I go to the library and apply to at least two jobs, eat a sandwich, and then meet Allie for Adventures Downtown. So far we have had a Trivia Night, a Networking Night, a Shabbat Dinner, a Night Out in Adams Morgan, and watched part of a fabulous movie about Alyssa Milano's imaginary friend. We may be losing hope of ever finding employment ever, but there's not too much time to spend lamenting over it.

It's all very exciting.

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