Sunday, September 16, 2012


A friend convinced me to go volunteer for the Obama campaign and promised me that I could do something like stuff envelopes and I would NOT have to call people.  But in the end he brought me to the phone bank where all there is to do is make calls. Instead of immediately leaving, I stuck around, got trained, and started calling poor undecided voters.  All of the phones in this big room were connected to a big switchboard/box thing and everyone was busily calling people.  At some point maybe 40 minutes in, I stood up, walked a few steps, tripped over a cord AND BROUGHT THE ENTIRE PHONE BANK DOWN. It was terribly humiliating, some guy had to spend 15 minutes trying to fix things, certain volunteers were quite disgruntled, and everyone knew it was me.  Someone accused me of being a Republican spy sent to sabotage the campaign.  We think it was probably a joke, but I apologized 18 times, left my friend there, and cried a little on the way home.

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